

Summer Emergencies & How To Manage Them ☀️

Summer Emergencies & How To Manage Them ☀️

It's starting to really heat up 🔥 - which makes it hard for you & your workers to sometimes work on site safely. Staying safe during the hot weather means understanding & managing the risks from illnesses like heat stress & sun burn, let’s look at some safety measures & products to help prepare you & your team for those long, hot days.

Heat exhaustion/Heat stroke 🥵

The Australian sun is harsh, it’s critical to keep your team protected from its rays. Heat exhaustion happens when the body has been exposed to high temperatures for a long period of time causing water and salt depletion from the body. This is exacerbated with physical activity in high heat. Symptoms can include dizziness, nausea & headaches - eeekkkk!

Drinking a electrode concentrate like Sqincher or Thortz  on site should should be incorporated into an occupational health & safety work strategy to beat fatigue plus maintain optimum work efficiency. Not only do they provide a higher level of hydration, they have formulations that rehydrate & replenish your body with necessary potassium & low sodium plus key electrolytes that help maintain peak performance.

👉 To treat Heat Stroke:

  • Follow DRSABCD
  • Apply cold packs to the neck, groin and armpits
  • Cover with a wet sheet
  • Ensure an ambulance has been called (000)
  • Give fluids to drink if conscious and wait for medical help

Sunburn ☀️

Summer sun can be brutal, sometimes reaching 40 degrees! Did you know, you can actually get sunburned at ANY time of the year! 🥵 Sunburn is a sign that the skin has been exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays for too long, but skin damage isn't always evident. Sunburn typically presents as a reddening of the skin & blistering, along side dizziness & nausea for more severe cases.

We recommend slip slop slapping with a quality sunscreen like Pro-Choice 50+ Sunscreen which when properly applied blocks 98 percent of UVB rays! Also please ensure wearing a helmet & rim like the Kask Sunbero to block 100% of UV rays plus minimize glare & sun from your face, ears & back of neck.

👉 To treat Sunburn:

  • Rest in a cool & shady place.
  • Cool shower, cool bath, or sponge with cool water for 10 minutes
  • Apply wet gauze padding to the sunburnt area
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
  • Seek medical assistance for infants and casualties with blisters
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